söndag 26 april 2009


You come into the threshold of another
starless night of fear
You're running from the "demons" that
would drag you down again
Illusions of the world are spinning out of
time and frame and simplicity
You're so sad
You're such a sad-eyed girl
You're so sad in your sub-plot

What is this, what is this, this mess of my existence is
All these politics of life and death and relevance
It's my existence

Wassup Girl
It's my turn
You cry and your eyes burn
What's your life's turn
Beautiful girl
Who all the guys yearn
What's more to your story
You still learn
Despite why your eyes burn
I seek and find the ole merchant
The high beacon
Your eyes talk
When you ain't speakin
And at school
You cry out
Why does water deep dry out?
Your getting gyped
Flat out

Another morning it comes running
up your bedpost with the wind
You face yourself just like you always
do, time and time again
The mortal coil of image, inner
peace and satisfaction
And so you keep it on the down-low
Hiding all the secrets that are down below
And so you keep it on the down-low
Tell me baby was it worth it all


Oh just take it all, make it work and make some sense
Just take it all,
You're my existence
You're my existence

-kevin max
är på väg i säng.... önskar mig sånna här burkar i födesedagspresent, eller ett medicinskåp i samma stil...

just denna burk till tvättmedel har jag:)

lördag 25 april 2009

har tagit det lugnt idag, varit lite lördagsdeppig kanske efter sittningen igår. har städat lite och pratat med mamma.

hittade precis marcus birros blogg, kika in på den vetja!
marcus birros blogg
han skriver så fint att jag gråter.


borde skriva ett inlägg om att folk dricker alldeles för mycket. men jag orkar inte, inget som blir bättre av att jag gör det. funderar seriöst på att inte gå på fler sittningar. får hitta på alternativa fester/middagar där man får vara finklädd utan att folk dricker så mkt sprit.(oki alla dricker inte alldeles för mycket och blir otrevliga men iaf)

jag vill vara social men tror att det är fel forum för mig....


torsdag 23 april 2009

är helt sjukt trött!

kanske skulle lägga sig tidigt ikväll, igår var jag uppe way too long...
haft föreläsning på förmiddagen, höll mig vaken men mådde illa för att jag var så trött. efter lunch(fom intogs på corona-pizza) så gick jag på mb(medicinska biblioteket) och pluggade, gick egenom föreläsningsbilderna samt läste i cellen, kändes som om jag hade hyffsad koll på det efter det, men kommer förståss inte ihåg ngt nu... denna vecka handlar om cellens liv och död/cellcykel... celldelning och sånt... det känns som att fler och fler saker integreras med varandra. lätt är det verkligen inte!

hade dugga igår(liten tenta) gick definitivt inte bra, vi rättade våra egna duggor och jag ligger precis på godkäntgränsen, så jag får se om den blir upp- eller ner-rättad av lärarna som ska kolla igenom att vi har rättat rätt.

imorn är det sittning på villan och det ser jag verkligen fram emot, ska ha en ny fin klänning och äta godmat och träffa trevliga människor har jag tänkt, kanske dansa lite också:)


tisdag 21 april 2009

begravd i duggaplugg

ledsen att jag inte bloggat på jättelänge, borde kanske skriva om min påsk men det får bli en annan gång.

sitter ute i allrummet nu för det är nymålat inne på mitt rum... har alla grejer här ute, i korridoren eller på toan.... men det blir väldigt fint och fräscht:)

har pluggat duktigt hela dagen faktist.... började med en timme i morse innan skolan(eftersom jag ändå inte fick sova längre än till kvart i 7(målaren))
sammanlagt blir det nog en 11 timmar idag.... men vi har ju faktist dugga imorgon....


måndag 6 april 2009

va kul man kan ha på nätet....

lördag 4 april 2009

har varit på fest,
saknar mina vänner som är min utvidgade familj.
ska bli skönt att åka hem ett tag.
nån som vill träffas efter påskhelgen?

lite blindside-texter

"The Great Depression"

We are the sons and daughters of a revolution, revolutionaries walking us out of opression and into a no-low promise land.

and this is leaves us with a great sense of sadness dwelling inside our soul. no one can explain where its' coming from or where its taking us.

we just know that something is lost, but somehow we are lost, lost

and this my friend, is the great depression

"Put Back The Stars"

Put back the stars
I'm out of shape tonight
Pinhole black velvet
Navigation-skills got lost with the fading light
It was there not more then a second ago
Now what do you know, what i do know
Is just not good enough to make things right
Put back the stars
I'm out of place tonight

Ain't it something to know your lost

I hoist my sail
Through there is no wind in sight
And i close my eyes to feel the fresh breeze
Paint the inside of my eyelids bright
Fill the sky with your breath
Cause you know im out of mine
Let the sky burn and i will inhale
Without a fight
I hoist my sail
And i'll just wait for you tonight

Ain't it something to know you have lost

Black tar surrounds me now
But life is the next door neighbor
On the outside there is just absence
But when i close my eyes
All i see is your face

Ain't it something to know you're lost
Ain't it something to know you're lost
Ain't it something i know i've lost

"We Are To Follow"

These streets are as cold and wet
As my eyes, flesh and bones are longing home
I was taken out of context
And to think you had me not speaking for a month or two
But it's not you i know
It's just me waiting
Waiting for the sun to come out

We are to follow
What if i could stand still and get moved

We are to follow
We are nothing running blind
We are to follow
We are so sick of it now
We are to follow
But im scared to be left behind
We are to follow
Nothing now

The TV dies more and more for each day
And the beauty of your eyes (in my hand)
Makes the flashing lights behind me on the wall look even more pale
Four o'clock and the sky is getting red
And here i am, just me waiting
Waiting for the sun to come out

Im throwing myself at you
And i'm holding on for dear life
Can i scream out of tune in this choir
God help me scream

What if i would stand still and get moved
By you

"My Alibi"

My feet felt light for the first time in months
It was like you came walking across the room
Straight at me and then straight through me
And then stopped and stood still for awhile
I knew then that i'd been lonely for quite some time
And as we started to dance you gently took off my tear soaked coat
And let it fall heavy to the floor and then
We danced some more

When all is said and done
When all is gone and still just begun
I will be asked what i did with my time and why
Can you be my alibi
Cause i know i spent it dancing with you

I have been here before
These emotions are relived
It's like a joy deja vu
You have been walking along
With me for quite some time
But me with my deaf ear and blind sides
Both of these i turned against you
We all know that you're there
We all know

When all is said and done
When all is gone and still just begun
I will be asked what i did with my time and why
Can you be my alibi
Cause i know i spent it dancing with you

Said and done
Now all is gone and still just begun
What have i done with my time and why
You are my alibi
Cause i know
I know im dancing with you
"When I Remember"

That boy is gone
Sometimes i miss the way he wept at night
To be still and not run
To be rocked to sleep in your light
These days there is not much that will bring tears to my eyes
But when i remember who i am and who you are
When i remember
A cloud moves in, rain falls, thunder strikes, and sunshine breaks through the clouds

I am walking blind
So distracted that i dont even feel when you hold me
When did i grow such thick skin
You are my sunshine and rain
My joy and sweet pain
I'm a spotless stain
That boy is gone
But nobody moves me like you do
When i remember

A cloud moves in, rain falls, thunder strikes
And sunshine breaks through the clouds
I can cry out of sorrow and joy
Every drop of rain turns into a crystal in the sun
So wash my eyes, my clothes, my skin, my bones, my soul
My feet, my love
I'm not forgotten
I'm in your thoughts cause i feel sunshine in the rain

To this day nobody moves
Nobody moves me like you do

torsdag 2 april 2009

just nu

bäst just nu:
tv-serie - Grey's anatomy season 5
musik - Downhere

humör just nu:

inte föreläsnings-sovande

fattar ibland noll

inte så högt

inget pålägg
ingen yoghurt
snart slut på mjölk
det goda teet är slut

låt just nu:
little is much-downhere

What is the measure of a life well lived
If all I can offer seems too small to give
This is a song for the weaker, the poorer
And so-called failures

Little is much when God's in it
And no one can fathom the plans He holds
Little is much when God's in it
He changes the world with the seeds we sow
Little is much, little is much

Who feels tired and under-qualified
Who feels deserted, and hung out to dry
This is a song for the broken, the beat-up
And so-called losers

Consider a Kingdom in the smallest seed
Consider that giants fall to stones and slings
Consider a child in a manger
Consider the story isn't over
What can be done with what you still have

/over and out